Spend a week making music you’ll remember forever!

Our camps provide the perfect opportunity for students to immerse themselves in their music. Campers spend the week getting confident with the equipment, and our dedicated staff provide help and oversight in all of our projects! We’ve got something for everybody this Summer, from hit pop songs, video game soundtracks, stop-animation scoring, and even podcasting, if you can think it, we can record it!

All of our camps are held at our amazing Lloyd Center Location in Northeast Portland! We have all the gear and software students need to make their songs. All camps go from 9:00 Am to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday (except for the week of July 4th). Check out our frequently asked questions for more information!

  • Intro To Electronic Music

    Session 1 - June 16th - 20th

    Session 2 - July 28th - Aug 1st

    Learn about the basics of recording, producing, and editing your own music. Get familiar with our digital audio workstation, learn synthesizers, and even build and keep your own electronic instrument, a great camp for beginners and returning students alike!

  • Pop Song Production Camp

    Session 1 - July 14th - 18th

    Session 2 - August 4th - 8th

    Calling all Swifties, Livies, Arianators, and Stylers! If you've ever dreamed of making music like a pop star, we’ve got you covered. From lyric-writing sessions to recording in the vocal booth, we’ll show you how it’s done—and we know you’re going to sound amazing on your next hit!

  • Video Game Music Camp

    Session 1 - July 7th - 11th

    Session 2 - August 11th - 15th

    Lets a-go! If you’re a fan of video games, and video game music, then this camp is for you! We’ll be remixing classic game themes, re-editing sound FX from some iconic levels, and even use game-boys to make our own beats! Truly a chance to bring your music production to the next level!

  • EDM Production (Novation Launchpad Bundle)

    EDM Production (Novation Launchpad Bundle)

    July 14th - 18th

    Drop the beat at EDM Production Camp! Learn to create your own tracks using pro techniques and tools. The cost includes a Novation Launchpad (yours to keep!) complete with an Ableton Live license. Get ready to produce bangers and light up the dance floor!

  • BrickVision: Stop-Motion & Sound Design Camp

    June 23rd - June 27th

    In this exciting camp, students will create their own Lego stop-motion movies and bring them to life with music, sound effects, and dialogue using Ableton Live. They'll learn animation techniques, sound design, Foley recording, and sync audio to create their own cinematic masterpieces!


    June 30th - July 2nd

    In collaboration with ILOVEYOUTH2, Electronic Music Club is ecxited to present Sound & Vision: Building an Immersive Audio-Visual Installation. In this 3-day collaborative camp, participants will design and build an interactive sound installation that invites the public to play, experiment, and engage.